Prayer - Imitation of the Cross.
On the most solemn of days that is Good Friday, it is an excellent time to share a beautiful, short prayer composed in honour of the cross. The description mentions that it was found under the sepulchre of Christ in 1505 and a great many graces are attached to the pious recitation of it.
Attached beneath are pictures of the holy card, for those who wish to save the images.
"God all powerful, who has suffered on the tree of the Cross, be with us.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ have pity on us.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ be our hope.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ turn away from us all sharp weapons.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ pour into us all good.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ turn away from us all evil.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ make us well in the paths of salvation.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ preserve us from spiritual and temporal accidents.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ may I adore Thee.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ now and forever, Jesus of Nazareth, Crucified, have pity on us, make the invisible fly far from us now and forever. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, St Joseph, St Michael archangel and all holy angels, protect us."
Attached beneath are pictures of the holy card, for those who wish to save the images.
"God all powerful, who has suffered on the tree of the Cross, be with us.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ have pity on us.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ be our hope.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ turn away from us all sharp weapons.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ pour into us all good.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ turn away from us all evil.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ make us well in the paths of salvation.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ preserve us from spiritual and temporal accidents.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ may I adore Thee.
Holy Cross of Jesus Christ now and forever, Jesus of Nazareth, Crucified, have pity on us, make the invisible fly far from us now and forever. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, St Joseph, St Michael archangel and all holy angels, protect us."
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